Two most powerful meditation techniques


Most people ask the question of how to control the mind. the understanding we need to control the minds very common. many people have figured out that meditation is a tool for mind management but we rarely find anyone who is meditating upon god. here are the two most powerful meditation techniques

The one thing I fail to fathom, that people aspire to meditate, and is it so difficult to understand that the object of your meditation should be a god.

Why is it that teachers are not teaching you to meditate on God and why is that people are finding all other things to meditate upon like the chakras the breath etc. so is god lost from our life why can't we meditate on god??

there are plenty of magazines in which they have many 3 or 4 days meditation programs or any other meditation program like meditate on the side of the lake etc. but we rarely find anyone who is meditating upon god. In the Bhagavad Geeta, we have a saying.

Arjun i am seated in everybody's hearts from me comes the knowledge remembrance and forgetfulness,by all vedas i am to be known i am the subject to be known through vedas.

There is only one line that is repeated in the Bhagavad Geeta

Arjun attach your mind to me become devoted on to me, worship me and offer your respect to me


If you know how the subconscious works and you know how to program it using affirmation with a concise choice of positive words clear visualization and a corresponding feeling.

feeling being the most important component because it's actual energy that attracts. then you can bring into your life anything you want.

How to choose affirmations

Choose a single affirmation because you want to train the mind. so if you have affirmations like a page long it will be hard to shape them. so you need to be concise and positive. I too have an affirmation for myself, for my family, and for my work, I do this every morning and night.

Where awareness goes, energy if you put your awareness on something that's where your energy is flowing.


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